Buck Rogers is on Final Approach to Windsor ComiCon

Buck Rogers in the 25th CenturyWindsor ComiCon presented by Cartoon Kingdom is excited to welcome Gil Gerard to this year’s guest line-up. Gerard, who portrayed Captain Buck Rogers in the classic hit Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979), which debuted on September 20, 1979, almost 40 years to the day of his upcoming appearance to the show, which will be taking place at Caesars Windsor; September 21-22, 2019 served as the seminal protagonist of the series.

As “Buck” Rogers, Gerard played a NASA/USAF pilot who commands Ranger 3, a spacecraft that is launched in May 1987. Due to a life-support malfunction, Buck is accidentally frozen for 504 years before his spacecraft is discovered adrift in the year 2491. The combination of gases that froze his body coincidentally comes close to the formula commonly used in the 25th century for cryopreservation, and his rescuers are able to revive him. He learns that civilization on Earth was rebuilt following a devastating nuclear war that occurred on November 22, 1987, and is now under the protection of the Earth Defense Directorate.

“We are thrilled to welcome ‘THE’ Buck Rogers, Gil Gerard to this year’s show!” says Cartoon Kingdom, Co-Owner, Arlen Mifflin. “The show was a complete hit for the 70-80’s generation onto which we are really excited for fans to celebrate and support his appearance through the Buck Rogers 40th Anniversary this Fall.”

Gerard will be appearing at the show all weekend long with cast co-stars Felix Silla and Erin Gray who portrayed Twiki and Wilma Deering in the Buck Rogers series. The trio will be participating in a once-in-a-lifetime Buck Rogers Experience to commemorate the Buck Rogers 40th Anniversary, which will be taking place at Windsor ComiCon presented by Cartoon Kingdom in one month’s time.

Buck Rogers is a fictional space opera character created by Philip Francis Nowlan in the novella Armageddon 2419 A.D., which was published in the August 1928 issue of pulp magazine Amazing Stories. Subsequently, the character would go on to appear in multiple media. The adventures of Buck Rogers in comic strips, movies, radio and television became an important part of American popular culture.

Windsor ComiCon presented by Cartoon Kingdom is an all-ages event, featuring popular genres such as: comics, sci-fi, horror, gaming, and anime / cosplay. The colossal event will take place inside The Colosseum at Caesars Windsor (September 21-22, 2019). For more information, visit: www.windsorcomicon.com

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