The Prom Cast 2023The stage at E.J. Lajeunesse will soon be awash with vibrant hues, elaborate dances and glorious songs, resonating with poignant lyrics and filled with characters that mirror society’s spectrum. This fall, Windsor gets its first look at the Broadway hit, “The Prom,” courtesy of Cardinal Music Productions November 3 to 12, under the seasoned direction of Joe Cardinal. Yet this is more than just another premiere; it’s a culturally relevant snapshot.

In the world of “The Prom,” Emma, a high school girl, faces more than the usual teenage angst. She’s become the epicenter of a societal storm by merely wanting to bring her girlfriend to the prom. Her story unfurls alongside that of a quartet of down-and-out Broadway stars who are desperate for some positive press. The tale that follows is a rich tapestry of laughter, tears, and dazzling choreography.


“The Prom offers an ensemble experience that engages everyone, from the young to the old,” said Joe Cardinal. “It is well-written and the original score is amazing. It’s got layers—comedy, drama, and deeply relevant social themes—that make it an incredible journey from curtain rise to curtain fall.”

Cardinal brings to this production two decades of hands-on experience directing in Windsor, a credential that adds gravitas to his enthusiasm for the show. “Every production teaches you something new, prepares you for the next. ‘The Prom’ is particularly invigorating because it’s the first time it’s being staged locally. It’s not just fresh; it’s a mark of how theater here is evolving.”

The production couldn’t have come at a more fitting time, particularly as the world slowly emerges from the restrictive clutches of a pandemic.

“There’s a timeliness to staging ‘The Prom’ now,” Cardinal noted. “We’ve all faced challenges recently, so the notion of community coming together in both struggle and triumph is going to resonate strongly.”

The emotional resonance of the show is propelled by its musical numbers, ranging from energetic to heart-wrenching. “My primary goal is to stay true to the material’s context,” Cardinal explained. “Whether it’s a scene demanding high energy or one requiring emotional depth, the message needs to be clear and impactful.”

And it’s a message Windsor needs, Cardinal believes. “We’re living in times that thirst for narratives of acceptance. I think the Windsor audience will find ‘The Prom’ both a delightful evening of entertainment and a poignant reflection of the era we’re living in.”

Balancing social gravitas with entertainment might seem like a high-wire act, but Cardinal is confident that the show nails it. “’The Prom’ manages to make you think even as it makes you laugh, or perhaps cry. It’s beautifully balanced in its ability to entertain while challenging its audience.”

As for what awaits in terms of choreography and music, Cardinal promises an experience that will leave audiences humming as they leave the theater. “Expect a show teeming with dance numbers and an absolutely stellar score. It’s one of those rare shows where every musical number is a hit.”

Learning to dance with a large group can also be challenging, especially in a show replete with intricate choreography. Yet, according to Joe Cardinal, the hard work has paid off. “Having a great cast has made the process a breeze,” he said. “Learning dance with a large group is always challenging, especially with a show that has as much dance as this one, but we began that process early and have so much talent in the room.”

For Cardinal, the most rewarding part of the rehearsal has been a profound sense of transformation. “Each character in the show has a journey that brings together this overarching theme of acceptance,” he reflected. “It is beautiful to be a part of it. I think everyone in the cast feels that in the room and feels the importance of bringing that to the stage.”

On the technical side, the set and costumes are designed to dazzle. “Our projections for this production are excellent and really add to the staging of the show,” Cardinal noted. “The projections do a great job depicting that overlap, as there are often multiple scenes happening at once. Audiences can also expect a prom full of colour and shine, bringing everything and everyone together.”

Asked what elements of “The Prom” resonate with him personally, Cardinal’s voice tinged with enthusiasm. “Honestly, all of it. My heart always feels happy and content after a run,” he shared. “The message is beautiful and delivered in such a wonderful way. It is everything I hoped it would be and one of my favourites. I wish every show was like this.”

Cardinal has a clear vision for what he hopes the Windsor audience takes away from the performance. “I hope people see how much fun it is to watch and participate in a show like this,” he said. “I also hope they realize that love is for everyone and that everyone has the right to love without interference. Like Lin-Manuel Miranda said, love is love is love is love.”

Keeping the energy high during the show is hardly a concern for this production. “It’s easy — the story is a great one and we are all excited to tell it,” Cardinal explained. “Having so many different levels of emotion helps keep things focused. I don’t think there is one person in this cast and crew who does not want to be here and that is important.”

Although Cardinal has directed many shows that deal with both entertainment and social commentary, his focus remains steadfast. “My main focus always is doing the best possible job we can do and then letting the audience decide for themselves,” he concluded.

As Windsor prepares for the premiere of “The Prom,” it’s clear that this production is more than just a musical. It’s a heartfelt journey through the challenges and triumphs of acceptance, and a lively addition to Windsor’s already rich tapestry of arts and culture. And with Joe Cardinal at the helm, it promises to be a performance that will dance its way into the hearts of audiences for years to come.

“The Prom” runs from November 3 to 12 at E.J. Lajeunesse in Windsor. The buzz is already building, a testament to the show’s potential for leaving a lasting impact on the Windsor arts scene and its theatergoers. Visit for more.

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