
St. Clair College Entertainment Technology student Mairi Gabrielle Matthews.

St. Clair College’s Entertainment Technology program signed an agreement with Melco/Dragone Entertainment, creators of The House of Dancing Water, which allows students between their 2nd and 3rd year to participate in a 30 day observation period in Macau, China (SAR) inside the City of Dreams.

Dan Rehel, Production Manager for ET, recently traveled to Macau along with two students to kick start this amazing opportunity.


“The students participate in various areas of production including special effects, rigging, lighting, sound, and automation,” says Rehel. “This experience gives students a leg up on technology and productions that are world class and unlike anything happening in the North American market.”
The House of Dancing Water is a $300-million production which includes the largest performance pool in the world at over 5-million gallons. Over 90 technicians and 70+ performers make up the production.

Entertainment Technology student Mairi Gabrielle Matthews went to China and says it was an incredible opportunity to be able to see a show like this up close.

“I got to take what I’ve learned from school and see it in action at a large production and learned so much more to bring back with me,” says Matthews. “We get to have lots of great experiences at the College, but this opportunity allows you to see a lot of the things we can’t do at school.”

Matthews says the cast and crew were very welcoming during St. Clair’s inaugural visit.

“I would recommend this for future students to take advantage of if they can. The experience and the people who work there are great. They’re very willing to let you learn and will help you understand it the best they can. Everyone there wants you to do well in your future career.”

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