Having photos stolen or used by someone without credit or consent is a major problem for a media website with original photos. At 519 Magazine, we have multiple photographers all shooting original images and we want to protect not only our exclusive rights to use those images, but we also want to protect the intellectual property rights and copyright for the photographer.
Enter watermarking.
With multiple photographers submitting up to 50 concert shots at one time, the process of watermarking can be time consuming and relying on the photographers to create them, leads to inconsistent and often overpowering watermarks.
So we ran tests with a few different tools and narrowed our choice to one provider that gave a simple solution, no limits and an easy to use interface. We selected Watermarkly’s Premium Lifetime Plan at $49.95. The online tool is so simple to use it actually felt like there were steps missing. Some of the Windows tools we tested were so clunky that we never got to the final steps because it was simply too annoying and unnecessarily complicated.
Watermarkly is as simple as selecting the photos to be watermarked, adding a logo, text or whatever graphics you choose, moving them to the appropriate spot and click next. At this point, a surprisingly useful tool came up that we didn’t expect – it will resize images on the fly. We choose to resize by a width of 700px. In a quick test, it added our watermark and resized eight photos in less than a second. That’s impressive and in the blink of an eye, we’ve up’d our watermarking game.
An awesome bonus is that Watermarkly remembers your previous watermarks in a template and allows for an easy solution with consistency.
There is a free package available that leaves a Watermarly watermark on all the photos, but for a professional media business, we selected the Premium package which didn’t have that watermark and allows for up to 50,000 images at the same time with unlimited watermarks – and we’re even able to use it on up to 10 different computers, which makes travelling to concerts and music festivals easy.
This all may sound too good to be true, but the company has been around for a few years and the tech is solid, so I can’t see them going anywhere. We’ve made Watermarkly one of our essential business tools, much like Photoshop itself.
There’s only one improvement we’d suggest for a future update – the ability to give templates titles.
I can’t believe we’ve lived without Watermarkly for this long.
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