Kingsville Highlnad Games

Despite the sweltering heat, Scots and enthusiasts alike flocked to The Kingsville-Essex Highland Games, held on June 22 at the Canadian Transportation Museum & Heritage Village. It was a vibrant celebration of Scottish culture and athleticism.

The day kicked off with a symphony of bagpipes and drums, as solo competitions filled the air with traditional melodies. Alongside, graceful Highland dancers captivated audiences with their precise footwork and colorful attire. The tug-of-war contest added a thrilling element of strength and teamwork, while sheep herding demonstrations and the quirky Mayor’s haggis hurl provided a touch of authentic Scottish charm.

At the heart of the games were the Heavy Events, a true test of power and skill. Athletes of all ages and genders showcased their prowess in eight grueling challenges, from the open stone throw to the iconic caber toss. Celine Gibb, the Heavy Events coordinator and Canadian record holder for Open Stone, noted the remarkable growth in the women’s division. “When I started 10 years ago, there were only a handful of women competing in Canada. Now we have over 50,” she remarked, highlighting the sport’s increasing inclusivity.

A new addition to this year’s games was the Stones of Strength clinic, led by Bex Innes from IHGF Canadian Stones of Strength. This ancient Scottish tradition of stone lifting is gaining popularity, especially among women. Innes, who has tackled historic stones in Scotland traditionally lifted by men, expressed her desire to empower more women through this challenging yet rewarding activity.

Looking ahead, the Kingsville-Essex Highland Games aims to expand its offerings. Plans are in motion to host more clinics, increase participation in Junior and Masters categories, and potentially organize a Women’s nationals event. The possibility of a dedicated Stones of Strength competition next year also looms on the horizon, promising to add another layer of excitement to this already diverse event.

As the sun set on another successful Highland Games, the air buzzed with anticipation for what future editions might bring. With its perfect blend of tradition and innovation, the Kingsville-Essex Highland Games continues to be a beacon of Scottish culture in Ontario, fostering community spirit and celebrating athletic excellence.

Highland Games Heavy Events Results:

Women’s Pro:

  1. Celine G
  2. Banyan L
  3. Rebecca M

Women’s Master’s:

  1. Bex I
  2. Amanda FW

Men’s Pro:

  1. Jamie T
  2. Chris R
  3. Daniel N

Men’s Amateur:

  1. John D
  2. Sean C
  3. Connor D

Men’s Junior:

  1. Henry H

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