Marianas Trench Visits Windsor Through The Eyes of a First Time Concert Goer

Marianas-TrenchImagine this.

You’re sitting in a red seat, one of your closest friends is sitting next to you. There’s a young girl and her mom on your right and the anticipation is almost tangible in the air. The house lights go off, and Highway to Hell starts playing out of the speakers (a song that lets everyone know that the concert is going to start soon), everyone is screaming, waiting for four people to walk on stage. Your friend is clutching your hand, and you’re not sure if you’re going to cry or throw up because you’re about to see the band you’ve been obsessed with for 8 years walk out. The music fades and for half a minute, there’s nothing but screams, your eyes straining to see anything on stage. A screen lights up and the crowd goes wild, Josh Ramsey’s voice fills your ears as he reads a poem and the words along with ghoulish pictures play on screen. It ends in three bright red lines and you can make out the shapes of the band in their positions. Your heart is pounding, and you can’t stop screaming, as the first few lyrics fall out of the lead singer’s mouth and dances around your ears, soon followed by guitar and drums.


On March 6th, Canadian pop band, Marianas Trench, started their Suspending Gravity tour in the Colosseum at our very own Caesars Windsor. It was my first concert ever, and while I had no idea what to expect, I was definitely not disappointed. Every part of it, from the moment I arrived to the moment I left, I was in awe of everything around me. Children as young as seven to adults as old as fifty, it seemed like everyone in Windsor had come together to see the British Colombian band. Even as I write this, a few days later, I still can’t fully wrap my mind around all the things I heard, so allow me to start with before the concert.

It was shocking how fast the lines actually went, from the line at security check to merchandise selling to finding our seats. Everything was very well organized and there were plenty of staff to help if you needed it. The costs of seats were average for a band that isn’t as well known as others, and the costs of merch was surprising to me, as I was expecting hoodies to be $80. There was something for everyone to buy, no matter what your price range was, which is what I loved most about the experience; how inclusive the band was to everyone.

The opening act was unfamiliar to me, Elijah Woods x Jamie Fine, and they were amazing. They had something to please everyone who attended, whether it be songs that got you dancing or songs that clutched at your heart, with a setlist of ten songs, some being originals and some from other artists. Fine’s voice was absolutely breathtaking, the range and almost husky tone to her singing, including her stage presence and how she interacted with the crowd, plus Woods’ musical skill were the perfect mix.

Now for the band, I may be a little biased due to my love of them, but wow. You’d think that anyone releasing a new album 5 days before going on tour would be out of their minds, “How would anyone, the fans and the musicians, have any of the new material memorized?”    Marianas Trench played 19 songs, 7 of which from their newest album Phantoms. They had a song for everyone, the new Trenchers and the old, with songs from as early as 2009. Opening the concert with Elenora, Only The Lonely Survive, and Echoes of You before hitting the crowd with Stutter, Here’s To The Zeros, and Pop 101. The lights, which matched the songs perfectly, were blinding, the energy was as high as the ceiling, and there wasn’t a single person who didn’t leave with a sore throat. And when Josh Ramsey, the lead singer, joined the crowd during Pop 101 and Haven’t Had Enough, it was like standing next to over 200 fireworks go off. Not to mention that he went through the floor seats and the seats higher up so that everyone was included in the moment.

When Ramsey, guitar in hand, walked out on stage alone, with just a light on him and sang One Love, it looked like the house lights were up with the lights from everyone’s phones. It was emotional and beautiful, I had goose bumps, and I couldn’t even think. I remember thinking how crazy it was that we, all 400+ of us, were all tied together because of one simple thing; music. The only word I have to describe it is awe-inspiring.

Josh Ramsey’s vocal range was even better live, every word and note precise, hitting notes in the soprano range, and holding them for twice as long as anyone else could. He was endearing in every sense of the word, from cheering that he got 10-year-old lyrics right to getting stuck in his own jacket. He made everyone laugh, dance, scream, and just happy in general.

Matt Webb on lead guitar was amazing, watching his fingers work and how energetic he was. There was no flaw in his playing, like each note was made to come out from his guitar. Mike Ayley on bass was jaw dropping, and the backup vocals he and Webb provided made everything so much better, like a cheeseburger with condiments. Ian Casselman was a beast on drums, the beats were a mix of everything, and seemed to match your heart rate and the movement of your feet. Royce Whittaker, a new member for their tour, on guitar and keys added the finishing touch and seemed to bring the energy of the four out even more.

The Suspending Gravity tour is currently making their way through Canada until March 29th, before they begin the second half in America. Tickets are still being sold, and if you have the opportunity, I highly recommend you go see them. Who knows, maybe you’ll be just as obsessed with them as I am!

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About Alyssa White 4 Articles
Alyssa is currently a High School student who loves the peace and excitement that reading and writing has to offer. She hopes to be an author when she is done schooling, as well as becoming an English teacher.