Rick Mercer

Rick Mercer’s Canada Coast to Coast tour will be stopping in at the Chatham Capitol Theatre on Thurs May 11th, 2017 in support of Chatham-Kent Victim Services.

Rick Mercer is offering an epic new keynote that will make you appreciate, as never before, this unique nation we all call home. It’s a heart-soaring and laugh-out-loud funny affair, and a perfect way to celebrate what our great country has to offer.


Few people know Canada like Rick Mercer knows Canada. Whether prodding at our institutions, celebrating our unsung heroes, or illuminating everything wonderful and weird about our country, Mercer is a galvanizing speaker. He’s our fiercest critic, our sharpest mind, and our most hilarious comic. This is a one-time talk that gathers together all his—and our—strengths. It is a talk that connects to the past, evaluates our present, and looks forward, hopefully, into the future.

Tickets range from $65-75. www.chathamcapitoltheatre.com

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