Riggi Media

In an era where auto-tune reigns supreme and formulaic pop dominates the airwaves, Ian K stands as a defiant force, armed with nothing but a guitar, a microphone, and an unwavering passion for the raw power of ‘80s rock. This Peterborough, Ontario-based solo artist isn’t just making music; he’s on a mission to resurrect a sound that defined a generation.

“I’ve been addicted to music since as far back as can remember,” Ian reflects, recalling his early fascination with the melodies of The Nylons and America. “When I was a toddler, I can remember hearing the Nylons on the radio, with The Lion Sleeps Tonight, or America with A Horse With No Name, and I can remember how much the melodies of those songs, and songs like them, made me feel.”

This lifelong love affair with music led Ian to pick up the guitar at age nine, sparking a journey that would shape his destiny. From his formative years in drum corps to his time bouncing between cover bands, Ian’s musical odyssey has been a winding road paved with determination and an insatiable hunger to create.
It was a stint recording audition tunes with Velvet Revolver that reignited Ian’s passion for songwriting, propelling him into the realm of solo artistry. “I started releasing music in 2015,” he explains. “In 2021, I quit my job so I could work at music full-time. I went back to school to take marketing so I could learn to market my music, and I’ve been learning to market better ever since.”

Ian’s music is a testament to the enduring power of ‘80s rock, with its “pounding drums, ripping guitars, high-pitched vocals with great melodies and harmonies.” He draws inspiration from guitar virtuosos like Zakk Wylde and Kirk Hammet, while also paying homage to the melodic prowess of icons like Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden, and Dokken.

“I love different artists for different things,” Ian explains. “I always loved Ozzy, Maiden, Dokken, Sabbath, for their heavy sounds, but I’ve always been drawn to a great melody more than anything.”

This dedication to crafting unforgettable melodies is evident in Ian’s songwriting process, which typically begins with a guitar riff that serves as the foundation for the entire composition. “I normally start my process with a guitar riff. I record it, and play it back a bunch of times to help myself get into some kind of melody,” he reveals. “I think melody is most important, but the lyrics have to fit it, too.”

The result is a discography filled with deeply personal and meaningful songs, such as “Never Let Me Go,” “Walk With Me,” and “Every Time I See You.” These tracks showcase Ian’s ability to infuse his music with raw emotion and relatable themes. “Each of these songs started out as a guitar riff, but by the time the vocals and harmonies and everything were added, each of them excited me very much,” Ian shares. “Each of them are relationship songs. Never Let Me Go is sort of about the musician that is on the road and away from his family. Walk With Me and Every Time I See You are both songs that are sort of boyfriend-girlfriend-ish… Great melodies make these ones winners for me.”

As an independent artist in the ever-evolving music industry, Ian remains optimistic about the opportunities available to those willing to put in the work. “I really believe that there is no better time for an indie artist to break into music and make a living than right now,” he asserts. “New artists are blowing up on TikTok and YouTube every day, and all without the help of a label, and the artists get 100% of the royalties now.”

With an electrifying live show that has seen him share the stage with rock heavyweights like Anvil, Sebastian Bach, and Buckcherry, Ian K is poised to leave an indelible mark on the music world. Reflecting on his most memorable performance, Ian recalls, “The best experience I ever had was when we were playing with Buckcherry the last time. The lights went down, and when our intro started rolling, you could feel the electricity from the audience on the stage. They were excited, we were excited… It may have been the best gig I ever played, ever.”

Looking ahead, Ian is excited about his latest release, “Another Day in Paradise,” and the upcoming “Monster Within,” which he describes as “the most intense four minutes and 12 seconds of hard rock music you’ll hear anywhere.” With a growing fanbase and an unwavering commitment to his craft, Ian K is a force to be reckoned with in the world of rock music.

While Ian’s hometown of Peterborough may not have directly influenced his musical identity, he remains committed to his craft, even if it means standing out from the local scene. “I feel like most of the scene in my city revolves around folk and hipster-type stuff. That’s not really me. I’m a long-haired dude with a loud distorted amp. That’s who I need to be surrounded by,” he explains.

As he continues to navigate the challenges of being an independent artist, Ian finds inspiration in the potential for music to address the mental health issues plaguing society. “I believe that mental health plays the principal role here and if we could address it, it could be a better world for everyone, especially these people that are living in such distress, and the toll it puts on their families,” he reflects.

Ian’s journey as a musician has been a testament to the power of perseverance and passion. From his early days learning to play the guitar to his time in drum corps and cover bands, each experience has shaped him into the artist he is today. “Making the move to being an original artist really put the brakes on doing big live shows, because it’s really hard to sell original music,” he admits. “Eventually though, I was able to pair up with other bands to do shows, and we had the chance to do some opening slot for bigger bands like Anvil, Sebastian Bach,… and we’ve played with Buckcherry a few times.”

As Ian continues to release new music and captivate audiences with his electrifying live performances, there’s no doubt that this solo powerhouse is on the verge of something truly special. With his sights set on the future and his heart firmly rooted in the past, Ian K is ready to take on the world, one unforgettable melody at a time.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/musicbyiank

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