Winesday: The Musical Offers Olde Walkerville Theatre Some Fun, Music and… Wine

Winesday at Olde Walkerville Theatre (photos by Maureen Stewart, K&M Photography)
Winesday at Olde Walkerville Theatre (photos by Maureen Stewart, K&M Photography)
Winesday at Olde Walkerville Theatre (photos by Maureen Stewart, K&M Photography)
Winesday at Olde Walkerville Theatre (photos by Maureen Stewart, K&M Photography)

Like a fine wine with an intense bouquet, the grand Olde Walkerville Theatre in Windsor became a haven for wine-lovers, musical-lovers, and laugh-lovers when Winesday: The Musical / Wine Tasting took over the theatre last week (Nov. 9 and 10).

The wine-themed musical was interspersed with four different wine tastings for the audience over four distinctly different “Winesdays”. The show is about a group of five friends who get together every Wednesday night. Theoretically they’re meeting for a book club, a yoga class or something else each week, but they really just want to drink wine and talk about their lives.


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