World Music Rocks YQG at Kingsville House Concert


This past Saturday (Oct. 28, 2017), the Light of the East Ensemble, a sextet based out of London, Ontario, performed in Kingsville. They brought their world music beat to the YQG area, performing for 20 people for three plus hours.

The Light of the East Ensemble has been together for 11 years. The group is made up of six amazingly talented musicians: popular Windsor actress and vocalist Tracey Atin; Jossée Macinnis (clarinet); Maria Featherstone (dumbek and nay); Jedd House (bass); Mary Ashton (violin) – led by Panayiotis Giannarapis on the oud, bouzouki, tzoura and baglama.


The ensemble played ethnic music from the Middle East and Asia Minor, including the folk music of Greece, Turkey, the Arabic Culture and Armenia. The musicians tackled the folk music of these cultures, its half tones, unusual rhythms and technical riffs and rests with respect and creativity.

Light of the East’s music is arranged by the founding members of the ensemble, Giannarapis and Ashton. Their music has been recorded on two CDs by TD Sunfest, and CBC has given it airplay more than a few times. Tonight, more than a hand full of savvy YQG music lovers left with CDs in hand.

It’s always a privilege to attend one of Mary & Marty’s House Concerts and Windsor-Essex residents should keep an eye peeled for Facebook events that take place at their home in Kingsville. This intimate venue, a little house tucked away in Essex County, showcases renowned visiting folk, ethnic, world beat, blue grass and blues musicians.

I’ve been to several of their concerts and have never been disappointed. For more on Light of The East Ensemble, visit

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About Karen Andersen Miller 3 Articles
Karen is a music lover who lives in Leamington with her husband (Stuart Miller, an architect with MMA Architect Inc.).