flame-throwersThe Fringe Festival took over Windsor, Ontario this past week and on one of those lovely days, we caught another awesome performance. This time it was Toronto-duo; the Flame Throwers, featuring Karl and The Prodigy.

This busker-style show was definitely like a buffet, it had a little bit of everything for patrons to enjoy.  I enjoyed the dead-pan humour and there was a lot of variety in musical choices to rev up the crowd.  It also had some fun audience interaction, one bit involving hand sanitizer, a marker, an innocent audience member, and juggling pins!

What was most impressive was Karl’s ability to be on a unicycle while solving a Rubik’s cube AND rapping to the trend-setting Flobot’s “Handlebars” song.

A rather tense moment was the chainsaw juggling bit, which thankfully didn’t have anyone cut up into pieces!

Kyle definitely stands out as a performer with his talents of juggling and balancing objects, whether that’s with balls, Rubik’s cubes, clubs, knives, or fire torches.

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