Lara St. John - webNominate your favourite musicians for the region’s highest recognition!

London recognizes a select few of the best artists who have contributed to its Music City designation. Each year, the Forest City London Music Hall of Fame inducts a handful of elite musicians.

Be a part of the process by nominating your favourite musicians. Who do you think has contributed to the rich musical life of the region? And why? Send your nomination with that key information for the committee to consider. All types of music, all ages and times are eligible.

Last year’s inductees were: rockers B.W. Pawley and Plum Loco; R&B band Johnny Stevens and the Canadians; guitarist Earl Heywood: classical violinist Lara St. John; and producer Paul Mills. For a full list of Hall of Fame members, visit the website

This is a chance for every music lover to offer their opinion for this year’s candidates.

Deadline is Jan. 31 on or

·         Musician(s) name
·         Reasons they deserve to be inducted
·         Contact info

The Forest City London Music Awards is a not-for-profit organization that preserves, celebrates, encourages and supports musicians and the music industry in the London region. It fosters excellence and education, preserving our music history and nurturing future artistry.

For more information:
Rena O’Halloran, curator of the Music Hall of Fame, at
Mario Circelli, founder and chair, at

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