If you were anywhere near the Scottish Club of Windsor Saturday night (Nov. 24), you would have heard the skirl of bagpipes from the Scottish Society of Windsor Pipe Band and the Celtic sounds of Tartan Army.

The pipe band held a fundraiser and blind auction on November 24 that also kicked of The Tartan Army’s Final Scene Tour after being together for more than 20 years. The smell of the club’s delicious fish ‘n chips was in the air as well.


The night started off with Tartan Army singing classic Scottish songs like Bonnie Wee Jeanie McCall and Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny Aff a Bus. Kit McAvoy, Alan Ferguson and Liz Robinson (who also happen to be half of the twisted sisters) kept the audience very entertained.

But when the pipes and drums took the floor with a fog machine making it look like they were stepping off of an island, it was magical with Scotland The Brave coming from the pipes under the direction of Pipe Major George Kay and Drum Sergeant Stuart Tate.

The drummers always capture the audience as well with their epic drummer’s salute – only this time they did it under black light with glowing sticks.

All and all it was a fantastic night and really… who doesn’t love to see a bunch of men in kilts?

Tartan Army performs at the Scottish Club Of Windsor on Saturday, Nov. 24, 2018. (photos by Maureen Stewart, K&M Photography)
Tartan Army performs at the Scottish Club Of Windsor on Saturday, Nov. 24, 2018. (photos by Maureen Stewart, K&M Photography)
Tartan Army performs at the Scottish Club Of Windsor on Saturday, Nov. 24, 2018. (photos by Maureen Stewart, K&M Photography)
Tartan Army performs at the Scottish Club Of Windsor on Saturday, Nov. 24, 2018. (photos by Maureen Stewart, K&M Photography)
Tartan Army performs at the Scottish Club Of Windsor on Saturday, Nov. 24, 2018. (photos by Maureen Stewart, K&M Photography)

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