High quality and high impact educational programming that helps students learn from home is exactly what teachers, and parents need this challenging school year. The Windsor Symphony Orchestra has produced a learn-at-home music education package to fill this need. The program can also be used in the classroom. A growing number of school boards across Ontario and North America are adopting this innovative video learning package.
From Windsor-Essex to Rainy River in the north-western tip of Ontario, across to Peterborough, and down as far south as Georgetown, Texas, 68,800 students across 150 schools in 10 school boards have access to music education programming that enriches their school days and is flexible enough to be taught in-person and virtually.
Daniel Wiley, Associate Conductor of the WSO, brings training in music and education to the development of the program. “Creating an engaging online music program like this was no easy undertaking, but our musicians, production team, and board were up for the challenge. The WSO has been a leading educational force in the Windsor-Essex region for decades, and now we have been able to expand our reach, giving students who otherwise would never be able to see an orchestra the opportunity to engage with classical music in a meaningful way. It really feels as though we have met the moment to support teachers and students in these difficult times.”
The WSO’s digital education programs range from Kindergarten to Grade 6 with 10 digital modules and Grades 7 to 12 with 12 hours of content, plus an additional 4 educational videos released a few weeks ago. All programs include a virtual classroom visit from Maestro Wiley or Maestro Franz.
Bernadette Berthelotte, a teacher consultant focused on areas of arts, social science, and character education at the Greater Essex County District School Board said of the program: “I have received a lot of feedback from teachers in primary, junior and senior grades about the joys they are experiencing in their classrooms with these videos.”
Educators and school administrators interested in learning more about the WSO’s Education Series can contact Rebecca Ng, Manager, Education and Outreach at education@windsorsymphony.com.
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