
Windsor superstar deejay, DjThor, lost his battle with terminal cancer this week. The extremely popular DJ and music maestro at the Windsor Express basketball games, was diagnosed with multiple myeloma eight years ago and passed away on Tuesday.

DjThor has been the official DJ for the Express since the team began in 2012. He stepped down at the end of last season because of the illness. Even though he was in treatment, he returned to the club scene at the Rondo in July for a special show.

He began palliative care at the Hospice of Windsor and Essex County and was known to have received blood platelets and red blood cells on a regular basis. In a story in the Windsor Star earlier this year, DjThor, who was also known by his real name Thorald Findlay, spoke about the disease:

“I always thought that cancer takes from me, but it’s whatever you allow it (to take),” he said. “That was one of the motivations, to try and get it back.”

DjThor has left Windsor with a great history of music and an interesting playlist on Soundcloud. His tracklist of reposted songs and mixes can be found here.

He was 41.

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