What the F*@kboys is a Musical?! – 2019 Windsor Fringe Festival Review

fckboysWe have pigs, scrubs, douche-bags, and now enter the world of f*@kboys. They are the guys who won’t hold your hand or take photos with you in public. They are always the first to run for the hills when the word commitment is uttered or even the slight glimpse of L-O-V-E on the horizon. The most you can expect out of a f*@kboy is well…nothing.

F*@kboys The Musical is and it isn’t a typical musical. Yes, they break out into song every chance they get and they belt out harmonies beautifully, however, what sets this musical apart, beside the obvious grabbing name, is that it has a predominant theme of self-awareness. “I won’t talk about it, but I’ll sing it. This is a musical after all.”


When it starts out, one may begin to think that this production will be a man-hating, feminist buzzkill.  This in its own self-awareness, is where the musical shines. While it makes some valid points, it’s also not afraid to poke fun at itself at the same time to show that everyone has levels of ridiculous behaviour. As the characters grow in life and love, you can really see certain re-evaluations, which then makes this comedic musical quite touching and even more lovable.

I was really impressed how the cast and crew were able to adapt the show to a change of venue and a smaller performing area. They performed choreography in a tight space outside under a canopy tent that was originally meant for a stage with wings.

In the end, instead of dwelling over regret and wondering what could have been, grab a drink, go sing some karaoke with friends. F*@kboys The Musical is here for a good time, not a long time (yep I just put in the lyrics to Trooper).

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About Melissa Arditti 37 Articles
Serendipitous Muse and Quirky Retro-Girl with a passion for writing who is known to knock off the rose-coloured glasses and give honest thoughts on a plethora of topics. When i'm not behind a screen, you can usually find me karaoking, eating a bowl of Pho, or spending time with my family and beloved magician.